learn italian

  11.1 formation of the condizionale II

Besides the condizionale I (I would do) there is the condizionale II (I would have done) which is very easy to form because it is formed with the condizionale I of the auxiliary verbs essere / avere and the past participle.

transitive verbs (with avere)
personal pronouns condizionale I of avere participio perfetto
io avrei
mangiato (eaten)
comprato (bought)
venduto (sold)
costruito (constructed)
chiesto (asked)
detto (said)
pagato (paid)
messo (put)
preso (taken)
tu avresti
lui / lei avrebbe
noi avremmo
voi avreste
loro avrebbero

intransitive verbs (with essere)
io sarei
venuto (arrived)
partito (left)
andato (gone)
tu saresti
lui / lei sarebbe
noi saremmo
voi sareste
loro sarebbero


transitive verbs
Io avrei comprato. I would have bought. Ich hätte gekauft.
Tu avresti detto. You would have bought. Du hättest gesagt.
Lui avrebbe chiesto. He / she / it would have bought.
Lei avrebbe pagato. She would have bought. Sie hätte bezahlt.
Noi avremmo messo. We would have bought. Wir hätten gestehlt.
Voi avreste preso. You would have bought.
Loro avrebbero detto. They would have bought. ie hätten gesagt.
intransitive Verben
Io sarei venut(o/a). I would have come. Ich wäre gekommen.
Tu saresti venut(o/a). You would have come.
Lui sarebbe partito. He / she / it would have come.
Lei sarebbe partita. She would have gone.
Noi saremmo andat(i/e). We would have gone.
Voi sareste andat(i/e). You would have gone.
Loro sarebbero andat(i/e). They would have gone.

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