Besides the condizionale I (I would do) there is the condizionale II (I would have done) which is very easy to form because it is formed with the condizionale I of the auxiliary verbs
and the past participle.
transitive verbs |
Io avrei comprato. |
I would have bought. Ich hätte gekauft. |
Tu avresti detto. |
You would have bought. Du hättest gesagt. |
Lui avrebbe chiesto. |
He / she / it would have bought. |
Lei avrebbe pagato. |
She would have bought. Sie hätte bezahlt. |
Noi avremmo messo. |
We would have bought. Wir hätten gestehlt. |
Voi avreste preso. |
You would have bought. |
Loro avrebbero detto. |
They would have bought. ie hätten gesagt. |
intransitive Verben |
Io sarei venut(o/a). |
I would have come. Ich wäre gekommen. |
Tu saresti venut(o/a). |
You would have come. |
Lui sarebbe partito. |
He / she / it would have come. |
Lei sarebbe partita. |
She would have gone. |
Noi saremmo andat(i/e). |
We would have gone. |
Voi sareste andat(i/e). |
You would have gone. |
Loro sarebbero andat(i/e). |
They would have gone. |