learn italian

  3.2.1 Indefinite article

In Italian, unlike Spanish, the indefinite article exists only in singular, if it is needed in plural (a man crosses the street / some men cross the street) it must be replaced with an indefinite pronoun. Since we have to talk about indefinite pronouns later, we will not talk about the plural right now.

The whole picture is similar to the one we have already seen in the case of the definite articles.

Indefinite articles

un masculine singular if the noun doesn' t beginn with a consonant but not with s + consonant, ps, z, y, gn, ps, y
uno masculine, singular if the noun begins with s + consonant, ps, z, y, gn, ps or x
una feminine, singular if the noun beginns with a consonant
un' feminine, singular if the noun beginns with a vowel

It is important to see, that there is a big difference in feminine and masculine nouns.

Indefinite articles
1) In general the indefinite article for masculine / singular is un, for feminine / singular una.
2) Only in the feminine form wie have an apostrophe in front of a vowel un' (un' amica / a friend)
3) Ony in the masculine form there is a change before s + consonant, ps, z, y, gn, y

If you resume all that in one table you get.

in front of a consonant in front of sp, st, sp, ps, z etc. in front of a vowel
masc. / sing. un uno un
femin. / sing. una una un'

una casa => a house
una donna => a women
un' amica => a friend (feminine)
un amico => a friend (masculine)
uno spettacolo => a spectacle
una studentessa => a student (feminine)
un anno => a year
una stazione => a station (bus / train)
uno psicologo => a psychologist (masculine)
una psicologa => a psychologist (feminine)

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