learn italian

  7.10.8 exercise 8: Answer the following questions with a pronominal adverb (ci / ne)

exercise8: Answer two the following questions with a pronominal adverb ( ci / ne) if possible, with personal pronoun if that is not possible.  
Do you think of our trip to Florence? Yes, I think of it.
Pensi al nostro viaggio a Firenze?
Do you think of Maria? Yes, I think of her.
Pensi a Maria?
Have you spoken about the problem? Yes, we have spoken about it.
Avete parlato di questo problema?
Have you spoken about his wife? Yes, we have spoken about it.
Avete parlato di sua moglie?
Have you put the book on the table? Yes, I have put it on it.
Hai messo il libro sulla tavola?
Does your girl friend lives in Rom? Yes, she lives there.
La tua ragazza abita a Roma?
Do you go to the party? Yes, I go there.
Vai alla festa?
Have you caught up on the incident? Yes, I did.
Ti sei informato su questo incidente?

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