learn italian

  8.3.4 whose => il cui, la cui, i cui, le cui

The English relative pronoun whose (the genitive) is translated to Italian with article + cui. The construction matches in gender and number with the thing possessed, the gender and number of the owner is irrelevant.

La donna il cui figlio va a scuola con me, mi ha invitato a casa sua.
The woman whose son goes to college with me, invited me to his home.
La donna la cui figlia va a scuola con me, mi ha invitato a casa sua.
The woman whose daughter goes to college with me, invited me to his home.
La donna i cui figli vanno a scuola con me, mi ha invitato a casa sua.
The woman whose sons go to college with me, invited me to his home.
La donna le cui figlie vanno a scuola con me, mi ha invitato a casa sua.
The woman whose daughters go to college with me, invited me to his home.

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