learn italian

  9.4.1 exercise1:

Decide in the following sentences whether the passato remoto or the imperfetto is to be used.

  exercise1: Decide in the following sentences whether the passato remoto or the imperfetto is to be used.
molti soldi, ma sempre tutto quello che aveva.
He earned a lot of money, but always spent what he had.
? ?
  Mi ieri per dirmi che non più andare a Parigi.
He called me yesterday to tell me that he didn' t want to go to Paris any more.
? ?
  Mi ogni giorno e mi sempre la stessa storia assurda.
He called me every day and told me again and again the same absurde story.
? ?
  Nell' ultima lettera che mi mi che aveva trovato un altro lavoro.
In the last letter he wrote me, he told me that he had found another work.
? ?
  Mi ogni giorno, benchè non * niente da dire.
He wrote even day, although he had nothing to say.
? ?
  un libro quando di colpo alla porta.
He was reading a book when they suddenly knocked at the door.
? ?
  nell' anno 1952, quando la situazione .
He died in 1952, when the situation began to improve.
? ?
  sempre ciò che fare.
Er machte immer, was er wollte.
? ?
  Non lo , perchè non voglia di farlo.
He didn' t do it, because didn' t want to do it.
? ?
hear solution

* The right solution is avesse. The conjunction benchè requieres the congiuntivo. We are going to talk about that later on.

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