poem Dante Alighieri

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Translation by A. S. Kline (http://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Italian/TheNewLifeIII.htm)

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 Ne li occhi porta la mia donna

Ne li occhi porta la mia donna Amore,
per che si fa gentil ciò ch’ella mira;
ov’ella passa, ogn’om ver lei si gira,
e cui saluta fa tremar lo core,

In her eyes my lady bears

In her eyes my lady bears Love,
by which she makes noble what she gazes on:
where she passes, all men turn their look on her,
and she makes the heart tremble in him she greets,

sì che, bassando il viso, tutto smore,
e d’ogni suo difetto allor sospira:
fugge dinanzi a lei superbia ed ira.
Aiutatemi, donne, farle onore.
so that, all pale, he lowers his eyes,
and sighs, then, over all his failings:
anger and pride fleeing before her.
Help me, ladies, to do her honour.

Ogne dolcezza, ogne pensero umile
nasce nel core a chi parlar la sente,
ond’è laudato chi prima la vide.
All sweetness, all humble thought
are born in the heart of him who hears her speak,
and he who first saw her is blessed.

Quel ch’ella par quando un poco sorride,
non si pò dicer né tenere a mente,
sì è novo miracolo e gentile.
How she looks when she smiles a little,
can not be spoken of, or held in mind,
she is so rare a miracle and gentle.

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