learn italian

  10.4.6 exercise6: Decide whether in these sentences the indicativo or the congiuntivo is to be used

exercise6: Decide whether in these sentences the indicativo or the congiuntivo is to be used
Io voglio che lo lui.
I want him to do that.
Io sono sicuro che venuto.
I am sure, that he has come.
Lui dice che lo fare noi.
He said, that we have to do it.
Speriamo che tutto bene.
We hope that everything will turn out well.
Aspetta che lui gli la verità.
He hopes, that he will tell him the truth.
Siamo delusi che non venuto.
We are dissapointed that he has not come.
Mi immagino che lui non voglia di venire.
I think he doesn' t feel like coming.
Io so che non così.
I know that it works.
Mi raccontò che ?
Dubito che lui stato a Parigi.
I doubt that he has been in Paris.
Tu preferisci che ciò che vogliano.
You prefer that they do what they want.
Capisci che non si continuare così ?
Do you understand that it it impossible to continue like that.
Loro desiderano che si la macchina per domani.
The want the car to be repaired until tomorrow.
Ci preoccupa che non ancora scritto.*
It preoccupies us that he had not written us already.

There are some words which are used in Italian more or less the same way as in English but nevertheless their use is difficult. To this kind of verbs belongs preoccuparsi, to preoccupy oneself. One must see that ci is NOT the subject of the sentence, doesn' t rule the verb. The subject of the sentence is "che non abbia ancora scritto". In English you introduce an artificial subject in this case: It

It preoccupies us that he has not yet written.

The it references the subordinate clause "that he has not yet written". So the English and the Italian sentence is quite similar. The verbe to like / piacere is similar.

Ci piace la tua macchina.
I like your car.

It is the car that rules the verb, ci is only the indirect object. If the cars are in plural, than the verb is in plural as well, because the subject rules the verb.

Ci piacciono le tue macchine.
I like your cars.

And in this case as well a whole sentence can be the subject.

Mi piace che ha trovato un lavoro.
It like that he has found a job.

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