learn italian

  10.4.7 exercise 7: Choose the options so that the events are reported in the right cronological order

Above the sentences you find a hint whether the actions / events reported in the subordinate clause happened before, at the same time or after beeing imagined. In this exercise we suppose that there is, in case that the introductory verb requires the congiuntivo, no difference between simultanity and posteriority. In the next exercises we suppose that there is a difference. In this exercise the imperfetto and the passato remoto are tenses of the past and the passato prossimo a tense of the present (be aware that this is the situation you find in "classical Italian, but not the situation you find the Italian spoken nowadays, are to be more precise, you find that situation only in the south of Italy!! ). Remember the tables we have shown before.

  exercise7: Choose the options so that the events are reported in the right cronological order
Lui pensava che lei .
He thought that he had already come.
  Lui credeva che loro a Roma.
He thought that they were in Rome.
  Io pensavo che lei .
I thought that he was sleeping.
  Io ero deluso che lei non venuta.
I was disappointed that she didn' t come.
  Noi temiamo che loro una sciocchezza.
We were afraid that they would do some silliness.
  Voi sperate che noi tutto il lavoro.
You hope that they will do the work.
  Io pensai che voi la casa.
I thought that you had bought the house.
  Io dubitavo che lui capace di farlo.
I doubted that he would be able to do it.
  Mi dispiaceva che tutto finito così male.
I regret that all finished so bad.
  Sono convinto che l' .
I am convinced that they have stolen it.
  Immaginai che un bicchiere di vino.
I imagined that they were drinking a glass of wine.
  Mi rallegravo che .
I was happy that she would come.

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