In combination with time data it seems that there is no system in English.
If you think about it for a while perhaps you will see that more or less all prepositions can be used with time data in English depending on the context. Concerning Italian almost everytime the preposition
is used.
examples |
A trent'anni dal colpo di stato in Argentina. |
Thirty years after the coup d' état en Argentine. |
A trent'anni non si scherza con queste cose, a trent'anni si deve essere persona seria e matura. |
At thirty years one doesn' t kid any more about those things, with thirty years one should be a matured and serious personality. |
Alla sua età ci si può permettere di farlo. |
At his age one can allows oneself to do that. |
Saremo qui alle undici. |
We are going to be here at eleven o' clock. |
All' improvviso un uomo apparve nel buio. |
Suddenly a man showed up in the darkness. |
A mezzogiorno però è previsto l'arrivo di Miller, un assassino che ha giurato vendetta. |
In the afternoon the arrival of Miller is expected, a murderer, who had sworn revenge. |