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da to describe relationships in space (from a source, an origine)

The preposition da we have already seen in the chapter interrogative pronoun. The preposition da is used in relationship to a source or the origin of something. The only exception is the verb essere. In this case the preposition di is used.

(Di dove sei? <=> Where are you from? )
Da dove vieni? <=> Where do you come from?
Da dove lo hai preso? <=> Where did you take it from?
Da dove stai chiamando? <=> Where do you call from?

It works the same way in declaration sentences. Pay attention to the fact that there is no 1 : 1 relationship. Depending on the context a different preposition is to be used in English.

Il treno è venuto da Milano.
The train has come from Milano.
Ti chiamerò da casa.
I will call you from home.
Alessandra ha preso dalla scatola un peperoncino.
Alessandra took a bell pepper out of the box.
Ho saputo da lui che era di passaggio a Milano e così ho pensato di andarla a trovare.
I got informed that she was in transit a Milan and so I thought that I can met her.
L'acqua viene dal pozzo.
The water comes from the fountain.

There may be some exceptions to the rule that in relationship to a source / origin the preposition da is used, but the only exception which crosses the mind of the author is uscire. This verb requires di, although it describes the origin of something, but even in this case examples with da can be found.

È uscito dalla casa.
He came out of the house.
Per circa quattro ore il fumo è uscito dai tombini.
For a period of four hours smoke came out of the escape shaft.

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