(Di dove sei? <=> Where are you from? ) |
Da dove vieni? <=> Where do you come from? |
Da dove lo hai preso? <=> Where did you take it from? |
Da dove stai chiamando? <=> Where do you call from? |
It works the same way in declaration sentences. Pay attention to the fact that there is no 1 : 1 relationship. Depending on the context a different preposition is to be used in English.
Il treno è venuto da Milano. |
The train has come from Milano. |
Ti chiamerò da casa. |
I will call you from home. |
Alessandra ha preso dalla scatola un peperoncino. |
Alessandra took a bell pepper out of the box. |
Ho saputo da lui che era di passaggio a Milano e così ho pensato di andarla a trovare. |
I got informed that she was in transit a Milan and so I thought that I can met her. |
L'acqua viene dal pozzo. |
The water comes from the fountain. |
There may be some exceptions to the rule that in relationship to a source / origin the preposition
. This verb requires
, although it describes the origin of something, but even in this case examples with
can be found.
È uscito dalla casa. |
He came out of the house. |
Per circa quattro ore il fumo è uscito dai tombini. |
For a period of four hours smoke came out of the escape shaft. |