learn italian

  15.3.5 prepositions durante

Mentre lui dormiva, io leggevo il giornale.
  While he was sleeping, I read the newspaper.
  Durante la sua assenza avevano inoltre costruito un edificio religioso.
  During his absence they have erected a religious building.

This case is very simple, at least for someone whose mother tongue is English. In English as well as in Italian the preposition is completely different from the conjunction with the same semantic value.

durante = during
mentre = while


Capire l'Universo fu la sua missione durante la sua vita di scienziato.
To understand the universe was his mission during his live as a scientist.
Durante la sua carriera alla Ford, è stato coinvolto nello sviluppo di due delle auto Ford di maggiore successo.
While he worked for Ford he participated in the developpment of two of the most successfull cars.  
Durante il pranzo si parlava di infanzia e ricordi.
During the dinner they spoked about their childhood and their memories.
Durante il governo coloniale c'erano in effetti due Indie: l'India britannica e l'India dei prìncipi.
During the time of the colonial rule existed actually two Indias: A british one and the India of the princes.
Durante la giornata si suggerisce, inoltre, di tenere spenti televisori e computer.
During the day it is furthermore recommended to keep the television and the computer switched off.
Durante la festa si possono gustare molti piatti della gastronomia locale.
During the party one can taste the dishes of the regional gastronomy.
Niente cellulare durante le lezioni scolastiche.
No mobiles during the lessons.

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