learn italian

  15.4.6 exercise 6: Durante and mentre

  15.4.6 exercise 6: Durante and mentre

Like in English there is a clear distinction between the conjunction and the preposition with the same semantic value. Durante / during is a preposition and is used together with a noun, mentre / while is a conjunction and introduces a temporal clause.

prepositions => durante
Durante le vacanze vado alla spiaggia tutti i giorni.
During the holidays I go to the beach.
conjunction => mentre
Mentre tu dormi io lavoro.
While you are sleeping, I work.

exercise 6: Select in the following sentence the right option.
il suo soggiorno in Italia ha imparato l' Italiano.
During his residence in Italy he learnt Italian.
Un'altra volta, io stavo leggendo la traduzione dell'Otello,
entra un tale e mi dice: - Cosa leggi di bello?
One time, while I was reading a translation of Othello someone came in and asked me: "What are you reading?"
Come te, le vacanze, non faccio che leggere.
As you during holidays I do nothing but reading.
l'ascoltavo mi sono resa conto che era una donna assolutamente inconsapevole di quello che faceva.
Like you during holidays I do nothing but reading.
il suo regno si intensificarono gli scambi commerciali,
mentre venne sospesa la politica espansionistica dei predecessori.
During his reign the commercial relationships were intensified while the expansionist politic of his antecessors were stopped.

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