learn italian

  16.8.3 exercise 3: the position of the causal conjunctions

We have said that siccome can only be used if the casual clause stands before the main clause, while perchè (used as causal conjunction, it has some other functions as well) can only be used if the casual clause follows the main clause. The causal conjunctions poichè, giacchè, dal momento che, dato che, visto che can be used in both cases.

exercise 3: position of causal conjunctions  
non mi ha visitata sono un po' in apprensione
anche se ho molta fiducia in lui.
Because he didn' t visit me I am a little bit afraid even if I have a lot of confidence in him.
Inizialmente non volevo odiavo il computer
e non ero capace ad usarlo.
At the beginning I didn' t want, because I hated the computer an I was not able to use it.
non voleva far uscire Ulisse e i compagni si mise all'imboccatura della caverna e tastava tutte le pecore.  
Because he didn' t want to let Odysseus and his companions out, he stood at the entrance of the cave and palpated all the sheeps who passed.

  16.8.3 exercise 3: the position of the causal conjunctions

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