learn italian

  16.8.7 exercise 7: concessive conjunctions

although: sebbene, benché, quantunque, nonostante (che), malgrado (che)
even if: anche se, quantunque, seppure, con tutto che

Concessive conjunction requires always the congiuntivo in Italian. However we can distinguish four different situations. The action / events can have happened in the past or can happen in the present, the actions / events described in the consecutive clause be start at a certain moment or be achieved.

The concessive clause describes the beginning of an action:
Benché lo dica, non gli credo. => Althought he says it, I don' t believe him.
The concessive clause describes the end of an action :
Benche l' abbia detto, non gli credo. => Although he said it, I don' t believe him.
The concessive clause describes the beginning of an action:
Benché lo dicesse, non gli credetti. => Although he said it, I don't believed him.
The concessive clause describes the end of an action:
Benché l' avesse detto, non gli credetti. => Although he said it, I didn't believe him.

exercise 7: Select in the following sentences the right form of the congiuntivo
A me, comunque, non è stato possibile visitare quelle stanze,
sebbene due tentativi.
It was not possible for me to visit these two rooms, although I tried it two times.
Benchè con 3 minuti di ritardo
sono l'unico presente.
Although I arrived with three minutes late, I am the only one who had come.
Benché di non aver nulla da dichiarare,
i funzionari francesi procedevano all' ispezione del suo autoveicolo.
Although he had affirmed that he had nothing to declare the French customers continued with the inspection of his car.
Benché a Ginevra con scarsi beni,
alla sua morte lasciò diverse case e capitali investiti sia in città sia all'estero.
Although he arrived in Geneva with little ressources he left behind several houses and capital assets which had been invested either in the city or abroad.
C'è gente che è andata ad abitare a Lione benchè a Parigi,
perché ora la tratta è di un'ora e trenta.
There are people which move to Lyon, although they move to Paris, because the journey time is only 1,5 hours.
Nonostante delle pecche ho visto migliorare
sempre di più la Facoltà di Design nei 5 anni che l'ho frequentata.
Although it had some scarcities I was able to see improvement in the department of design during the five years I was studying there.
Il governo Prodi, nonostante qualcosa di buono,
ha deluso la gente che lo ha votato.
The government of Prodi, although successfull in some issues, has deceived the people who voted for them.
Malgrado da pochi anni i risultati
non hanno tardato ad arrivare.
Although we have started only some years ago, the results were not long in coming.
Timoroso, nonostante di tutto per nasconderlo,
spesso è un temerario per vanità e portato a vantarsi.
Fearful, although he does everything to hide it, he is sometimes audacious by vanity.
E riesce sempre a farmi sentire una stupida sebbene
bene che non è sua intenzione.
He always succeds in making me feel stupid, although I know that this is not his intention.
Il giovane, tuttavia, rifiutò tale strada,
nonostante abile al servizio militare.
The young man however, although he was found fit for the military service, refused this way.

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