learn italian

  17.6.2 exercise 2: Choose the right preposition

exercise 1: Choose the right preposition   
non ho abbastanza soldi.  
Unfortunately I don' t have enough money.
Mi ha deluso. Lo credevo una persona affidabile.  
He really deceived me. I thought he were reliable.
A volte è divertente leggere delle recensioni cattive.  
Sometimes it is really funny to read malicious critics.
facesse bel tempo.  
If only the weather would be nice.
lo fa in buona fede, però secondo me,
e non solo io la penso così, c'è qualcosa di strano.
Perhaps he does it with good intentions, but in my opinion, and I am not the only one to think that, it is strange.
Ha utilizzato i luoghi storici o li ha ricostruiti ?  
Did he use the historical sites or did he rebuilt them somewhere else?
Molte domande girano questa persona che ha marcato un intero
periodo della letteratura nazionale prima della morte precoce.
Many questions revolve around this person who until his early death marked a whole period of the national litterature

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