Video 002 :: translation :: grammar explications :: vocabulary |
È ora di fare colazione! = It's time to have breakfast (It's time to prepare breakfast).
Pane = bread
caffè espresso = Espresso
marmellata = jam
miele = honey
burro = butter
Per un grosse panino = for a large piece of bread
uso un grosso coltello = I use a large knife
Aspettate = Wait!
C' è una mosca = Over there is a fly.
Devo ucciderla = I must kill her.
Devo ucciderla (Add a pronoun to an infinitive verb form)
Link: /chapter7/7_1_1_position_personal_pronouns2.htm
Ho vinto = I have won.
Finalmente = finally
Ho vinto (formation of passato prossimo)
Link: chapter9/9_3_tenses_in_italian.htm
The way this letter is pronounced depends on the following vowel.
appears, if the pronunciation is ki / ke. In these case an