Video 002 :: translation :: grammar explications :: vocabulary |
Ho fatto un incubo = I had a nightmare (I have made a nightmare).
grammar: Passato prossimo
Un orso ci voleva mangiare = A bear wanted to eat us.
grammar: Ci as personal pronoun
chapter7/7_1_personal pronouns.htm
Ma che ore sono ? = What time is it?
grammar: date and time
Io ho un appuntamento ! = I have an appointment!
Michela ha un nuovo fidanzato ... = Michela has a new boy friend
Aspettami ! = Wait for me!
Arrivo = I come
Come sto ? = How do I look? (How am I?)
Vado a sistemarmi = I go and prepare myself
Veloce! Mi aspetta = Just a minute! Wait for me.
, the way it is to be pronounced depends on the following vowel. There are the combinations
with one big difference. All these sounds are voiced. Before going more into detail let's see and hear some examples. As you can see (or hear) to the voiceless sounds