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  7.9.4 Tutto / tutta / tutte / tutti

Tutto, similar as molto, has a completely different meaning in singular as it has in plural. In singular the meaning of tutto / tutta is entire / whole (used as an adjective) or everything (used as a pronoun). In plural the meaning is every (used as an adjective) or everybody (used as a pronoun).

  singular plural
femininum tutta tutte
maskulinum tutto tutti

We have eaten the whole cake.
Abbiamo mangiato tutta la torta.
The whole story seemed strange to us.
Tutta questa storia ci sembrava strana.
All children must go to school.
Tutti i bambini devono andare a scuola.
All men are equal before the law.
Tutti gli uomini sono uguali davanti alla Legge.
All houses are pretty.
Tutte le case sono belle.
Everything all right?
Tutto bene?
He has forgotten everything.
Ha dimenticato tutto.
Everybody want to earn a lot of money.
Tutti vogliono guadagnare molti soldi.
All of them knew that he was a liar.
Tutte sapevano che era un bugiardo.

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