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  16.6.2 laddove: if, in case, while, where

The conjunction laddove is rarely used. With a google research you receive 1,5 millons hits. That's not a lot for a conjunction. You find a lot of meanings for laddove in dictionaries. That's due to the fact that in some cases the same relationship can be expressed, with a subtle difference in meaning, by different conjunctions.

laddove: if, in case, while, where
Una lingua non è un'entità che si mantiene da sola, ma è qualcosa che esiste solo laddove esiste una comunità che la parla e la trasmette.
1) if: A language isn' t something which exists alone but something that only exists if there is a comunity which speaks and transfers it.
2) when: A language is nothing that exists alone but something that only exists when / in case of / while there is a comunity which speaks and transfers it.
3) where: A language is nothing that exists alone but something that only exists where there is a comunity which speaks and transfers it.
Laddove non diversamente indicato, gli ingredienti sono da intendersi per 6 persone.
1) if: If not indicated otherwise the ingredients refers to six persons.  
2) when: When not indicated otherwise the ingredients refers to six persons.  
3) where: Where not indicated otherwise the ingredients refers to six persons.  

This example shows you as well why laddove is considered sometimes a temporal and sometimes a conditional conjunction. In case 1) the existence of a community is a condition, b) stresses the temporal aspect and in 3) we have a relative clause introduced with the relative pronoun dove (là dove = there where ).

Laddove is mostly used in relationship with the description of a space, in other words in a context already suggested by the word laddove ( là dove).

Se hai una pagina bianca laddove dovresti vedere due animazioni flash, è quasi sicuro che il problema deriva dal player che non funziona nel dovuto modo.
If you see a white page instead of a flash animation it is almost sure the flash player doesn' t work as it should and the problem is caused by that.

laddove with relationship to a place: there, where , thither

Used in relationship to a place laddove in general is an relative adverb or a pronominal adverb.

Entrare laddove non si è mai stati.
(relative adverb: The relative clause specifies the place. ...là dove non si è stato mai...)
Go to place where you have never been before.
Laddove non c'è legge, opinione o religione ma solo buon senso.
(pronominal adverb: Laddove stands for something, we need to know to what laddove refers to, otherwise the sentence doesn't make sense. We can use any nouns instead. At the country, where...)
To a place without laws, opinions or religion where only the common sense exists.
Laddove Dio non occupa il primo posto, laddove non è riconosciuto e adorato come il Bene supremo, la dignità dell'uomo è messa a repentaglio.
(relative adverbe: The relative clause specifies the place.)
Where god doesn' t have the first place, where he is not recognized and honoured as the supreme being the dignity of man is in danger.
Vuoi andare laddove andiamo noi?
(relative adverbe: The relative clause specifies the place.)

Do you want to go the place where we want to go?
Non vogliamo causare problemi laddove andiamo per aiutare.
(relative adverbe: The relative clause specifies the place.)

We don' t want to cause trouble at the places where we want to help.
Laddove non avevamo voce oggi siamo ascoltati.
(pronominal adverb: Laddove stands for something, we need to know to what laddove refers to, otherwise the sentence doesn' t make sense. We can use any nouns instead. At the country, where...)

Where we had no voice, today we are heard.

Laddove with congiuntivo: wherever

With the congiuntivo the meaning of laddove is wherever.

I recinti esterni devono essere dotati di ripari dalla pioggia o dal sole eccessivo, laddove sia necessario per il benessere della specie.
The outdoor enclosure must be equipped with a rain protection and where ever it is necessary for the well-being of the species with a protection against the sun.

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