Video 002 :: translation :: grammar explications :: vocabulary |
Al supermercato = in the supermarcet
oggi andiamo a fare la spesa = today we go shopping (fare la spesa = to go shopping)
Comminciamo con la frutta = Let' s start with the fruit
albicocca = apricots
uva = grape
pera = pear
ciliegia = cherry
Cosa dite? = Was meint ihr? ( What do you mean?)
Cosa possiamo comprare? = What can we buy?
Io vado avanti, venite anche voi = I go ahead, you follow me
La verdura = vegetables
insalata = salad
pomodori = tomatoes
aah, buona, la rucola = Oh, that' s good, arugula
e per finire, i funghi= and to finish mushrooms
ma io ho più fame di così = but I am mor hungry than that
Andiamo in cerca di carne = Let' s have a look for meat
Stavo per dimenticare il pane = I almost forget bread
Non si può mangiare verdura senza pane = You can' t eat vegetables without bread
Andiamo = Let' s go
Salame = Salami
prosciutto cotto = cooked ham
prosciutto crudo = ham
e ora una cosa buonissima = and now something very good
il formaggio = the cheese
Mi è già venuta fame = I already got hungry
Grammar: Reflexive verbs are conjugated with essere. The Past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject. For more details see conjugation with a reflexive pronoun
I miei biscotti preferiti = My prefered biscuit.
i cantuccini alla mandorla = almond biscuits
questi li voglio tutti per me = I want them all for me
questo è importante per svegliarsi la mattina = this is important to get up in the morning
il caffè = coffee
E per la colazione: latte = and for breakfast: milk
E questo per addormentarsi la sera = and that's for falling asleep at night
Il té = the tea
Ma se si vuole fare festa con gli amici = but if you want to have a party with your friends
Ci vuole la birra = you need bear
Grammar: Conditional sentences. For more details see use of the condizionale.
With all that what have been said until know the Italian pronunciation is described completely. If we compare the correspondent chapters in the
we see that concerning complexity Italian is between Spanish and French.
Let's summarize all that has been said until now.