Pinocchio - Pinocchio

It is difficult to find texts that are relevant to a particular culture and at the same time "doable" for a non-native speaker. The only possible compromise is the production of abridged and simplified versions of major works.

We have now produced such a simplified version of the well-known work by Carlo Collodi, Pinocchio. We have deleted from the original the words that are not used today. This version corresponds to today's standard Italian. Basically, the original version is "doable", at least if you have worked through this shortened version beforehand.


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Mastro Ciliegia trova un pezzo di legno parlante.

Il falegname Mastro Ciliegia trova un pezzo di legno e tutto contento si mette al lavoro per costruire la gamba di un tavolo. Una brutta sorpresa però lo attende: al primo colpo infatti una vocina comincia a protestare. Mastro Ciliegia si guarda attorno confuso, ma non riesce a capire da dove provenga. Dopo poco si rende conto di trovarsi davanti a un pezzo di legno parlante.

Falegname, legno, gamba, tavolo, colpo, vocina, protestare, confuso, capire, pezzo, parlante.


Master Cherry finds a piece of talking wood Master carpenter Cherry finds a piece of wood and happily sets to work to make a table leg out of it, but gets a nasty surprise in the process. At the first beat, a little voice actually starts to protest. Master Cherry looks around confused, but is unable to find out where she comes from. After a short time he realizes that he has a piece of talking Hols in front of him.

lalegname = Tischler
legno = Holz
gamba = Bein
tavolo = Tisch
colpo = Schlag
vocina = Stimmchen
protestare = protestieren
confuso = verwirrt
capire = verstehen
pezzo= Stück
parlante = sprechend
riuscire = schaffen

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